Grief Share Support Group

When: Second and Fourth Wednesday of the Month at 6:15-7:15pm

Where: Parlor

Who: Anyone navigating grief or loss, as well as anyone wanting to learn how to better support family and friends experiencing grief. Open to both people in our church and community.

What: A safe, gentle, a supportive grief support group. Each session starts with a 30-minute video featuring respected experts on grief-related topics and personal stories from people who have experienced loss. After the video, the group will spend the remaining 30 minutes discussing the video and what is happening in their personal lives.

Why: Talking with others who are experiencing similar things brings great comfort and support. Navigating grief alone can be much scarier and having a support system can truly help. People who attend the group will never feel forced to speak if they do not want to. Everyone will find a safe space to grieve in the timing and way they feel most comfortable. Each participant will also be given a book to help them process their emotions and apply what they learn in the group.

 Sign Up Here

Important note: Those who are in choir but wish to attend the support group are encouraged to do so. You will only miss the last 10-15 minutes when you have to hop over to choir practice.