Ministry Opportunities
Baby Bottle Boomerang
For the last few years, you have joined the United Women in Faith (UWiF) in the Baby Bottle Boomerang in support of Sav-A-Life who like many community missions still need our help.
These extraordinary times have had a negative impact on families. Moms are feeling more pressure to abort their children. They are scared, stressed out, and depressed. They need someone to help them with basic baby items, educate them and simply talk, cry, and even laugh with them. Just like the Good Samaritan, our church can help provide the finances/items needed to provide this help and support to local families. Sav-A-Life has developed creative ways to minister to families in our community. They have made many phone calls, provided over 50 moms with online parenting courses, and allowed them to pick up necessary items like diapers and wipes. They have re-opened their medical clinic and are seeing triple the patients for pregnancy testing and ultrasounds. Sav-A-Life is able to provide these life-affirming services because of our faithful giving. They have provided BBB envelopes and baby bottles. These are available in the church through June 2nd. These donations go directly to Sav-A-Life. Make your check payable to Sav-A-Life. Members of the UWiF will make sure all donations are delivered directly to Sav-A-Life. A special thank you to all of you who help support the needs of our community. If you have any questions, contact Jan Martin or Claire Melanson.
Cookies For Our Troops
Each February the United Women in Faith partner with our local National Guard to send Girl Scout cookies to Alabama units that are currently deployed. The National Guard will cover the cost of shipping. We just need to buy the cookies.
Visitation Ministry
Our Visitation Ministry Team makes visits on the second and forth Tuesdays of each month. We begin at 10:00am and go until about 1:00pm.
The team provides encouragement, fellowship, and prayer with those who are shut-in, sick and lonely.
On visitation days we meet in the TMMC Parlor at 10:00 am to prepare for our visits.
Check the schedule on our church calendar.
Do you know of someone that would like to be included on our list to be visited?
Please help this ministry by letting us know.
We are looking for a few more people to join our visitation team.
If you are interested in this ministry please contact Lorraine Busby or call the church office.
Your life will be enriched each time you visit our shut-ins.
Soup for the Soul
Serving God’s Grace One Plate at a Time
Mission Statement:
Evangelistic outreach program designed to reach the elderly, underprivileged, indigent, homeless, and transients in our community by providing a free meal to nourish their soul and body.
Scriptural Foundation:
“I was hungry and you gave me food to eat. I was thirsty and you gave me a drink. I was a stranger and you welcomed me.” Matthew 25:35
When: First Saturday of February, May, August and November
Location: Family Life Center (TMMC)
Time: 11:00 am – 12:30 pm
If you know of anyone who would like to have a meal delivered to their home please contact the church office and we will make sure the name(s) are given to our Soup for the Soul team.