United Women in Faith

The Lucy Mitchell Subgroup
Our group meets the second Tuesday of the month at 1:00 pm in the TMMC Parlor for Bible study.
All ladies are invited to attend.
Special Events
Our ladies are very active and offer numerous opportunities for ministry throughout the year.
- March, Cookies for the Troops Fundraiser - To Send Girl Scout Cookies To Our Troops
- May, Baby Bottle Boomerang - Support Our Local Sav-A-Life
- December, Cookie Walk & Brunswick Stew - Support UWiF Missions
Along with these special events we donate throughout the year to various ministries:
Cookie Walk & Brunswick Stew Fundraiser - 2024
The United Women in Faith will have our Cookie Walk and Brunswick Stew Fundraiser on December 7th from 9:00 am to 1:00 p.m.
Stew must be pre-ordered by November 30th. The stew will be $12.00 a quart and ready for pick-up on Dec 7th. Order forms will be in the vestibule or you can call the church office or text Susan Wall at 678-463-2156.
The Cookie Walk will be December 7th from 9 am to 1 pm. Cookies and/or candies will be $9.00 per pound and do not need to be individually wrapped. So, plan your baking/cooking. We need lots of stuff to sell.
We will be having a quilt raffle again this year. Tickets are $1.00 each and only 600 tickets will be sold. The drawing will be on Dec 7th. You do not have to be present to win.